Thomas F. Swift and Co.

Comic dialogue.
"Me and Mary."
Thomas F. Swift and Co. offered "Me and Mary," with Swift doing the role of Jimmie in love with Mary, but whose love dream is shattered when Mary says she's off of him for one Montague. The slang patter and Swift's nut mannerisms were well liked at the Academy and this is unusual when talking acts are not considered in food for in that neighborhood. Jimmie and Mary do the fond embrace and just when things look all to the merry for the pair, the stage hands get busy and remove the scenery. Then into "one" the trio emerge and do a little travesty on a scene at the picture show which didn't get very much. Swift didn't put much life into his work, probably being under the weather, but the change of stage setting gave the act an ending which struck the neighborhood regulars as novel for a vaudeville idea with a sentimental twinge.
Variety, 40:12 (11/19/1915)