Mr and Mrs. Murphy

Time 18 minutes . set- full stage . Their old act never pleased our patrons, but the present one, “Why Doogan Swore Off” is a good sketch and the laughing hit of the bill. The idea is very good, and the act has not the disgusting features that are apt to be in a drunken sketch. Murphy, in the character of a fireman, who uses this as an excuse to stay away from his wife nights, is exceedingly droll, and while he uses some J.W. Kelley matter in his act, which goes very well, he has enough original matter of his own. Mrs. Murphy pleased in a refined Irishwoman character, while not extra good, has the correct idea and is much more pleasing that in the old act, and sings one song nicely.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 2 September 1902-3 September 1903