The act was fifteen minutes long.
Flavia Arcaro sings four numbers and changes costume each time. She sings the first in black satin knickerbockers, a white silk blouse, and a “rakish” flappy velvet hat. The second is an evening gown. While she changes into a hoop-skirt, a man in the box begins to sing a ballad and she joins in when she is finished dressing. She wears a shapeless kid dress for “Wonderful Girl.”
"I Should Have Been a Boy"; "Let the Sunshine In"; "Tomboy"; "Wonderful Girl"
"The audience liked Miss Arcaro as will any other audience."
"I Should Have Been a Boy" is the best number and it should have been placed at the end. The costume even outshines the song. The song in the kid dress is a "painful anti-climax."
Variety 28:11 (15/11/1912)