Pewitt, or the Mysterious Face

2 shows, 9 min. full stage. This novelty, which is too well known now to need description here by me, did not seem to create any amount of interest, and there as not much applause at the finish, but despite those facts I think it will be much talked about during the week.

Jewell’s Manikins

This one of the best manikin acts we have ever played. The setting is gorgeous and Jesse Jewell has perfected the manikins in a truly astonishing manner. Although it close our show, with the exception of the kinetograph, it held everybody to the very end. 22 min. F.S.


The “Mysterious Face” I suppose might be the best term in which to describe this act. This feature didn’t get a great deal of applause but one could hear the murmurs around and I am inclined to believe it will create considerable talk and should be rated as a good act. 8 min. full stage, can work in two, 2 shows.

Jewell’s Manikins

25 minutes. This is one of the best acts of the kind that I have ever seen. Operated by six people. This is a novelty and one which I feel sure helps our matinee.


The mysterious face. First time in this city. IT is an enormous head, made of some elastic material, that is worked by someone within. It depicts anger, scorn, irony, contempt, etc., at command. The head, after working three minutes, got out of order, and we had to drop the curtain. The audience went out disappointed.

Powells Marionettes

14 minutes, full stage. Special set. I do not consider this act nearly as good as Jewells. While it does not get nearly so much money as the Jewells, I would prefer to play Jewells at the advance figure. The act is only going fair with our patrons.

Jewell’s Manikins

The stage is set with new plush curtains and the background is brilliantly decorated with spangles.

D’Arc’s Marionettes

The novelty is that while the little figures go through their mimic impersonations of well known artists, one of the two manipulators sings a characteristic song.