Ten little girls, billed as “The Douglas Dancers,” in a classical terpsichorean offering having numerous pretty stage sets, proved a good novelty. The work of the ten children was rewarded with appreciation.
Nine Krazy Kids, although headlined here, came a long way from registering in that class with the audience. The act is disjointed and uninspiring, and wardrobe in practically a negligible quantity. The cast is weak, appear disinterested and the comedian lacks punch in his line and in his delivery.
Kitty Doner and her little sister, Rose, slammed out the home run of the playfest. Miss Doner’s dynamo was zipping and kicking of sparks of her personality that tingled the hands of her audience into frequent and stormy action. She dances like women don’t usually dance and she had noble support from her little sister, who, she whisperingly confided, crossing her heart, was appearing on the stage for the first time. If it is the little girl’s appearance, or even if it isn’t for that matter, she has great things in store for her.
The Blanche Hertz Kiddies were an added attraction. This juvenile aggregation of little girls, ranging from five to fourteen years of age, who have played several weeks in the Loew-Ackerman-Harris theatres on the Coast, contains some really good talent. The ensemble opening on the runaways made a most impressive picture and proved to be the prettiest sight offering ever witnessed in this house. Song and dance specialties are offered by each in cabaret setting.
Jane and Katherine Lee, the “baby grands” in Tommy Gray’s “The New Director,” assisted by William Phinney, took the headline and delivered a high score on seventh. As kid actresses they have no competition in the vaudeville field, and that they did step from films to big time to be featured and headlines speaks volumes. Able to accomplish that as so tender an age, opens a vista of future triumphs on the stage. For the kids do get their audience at the finish with the real tears and the sobs – as natural a bit as the most sentimental could wish for.
The Lee Kids are a real novelty. New York vaudeville patrons get little enough of clever youngsters, and here comes a pair that have a comic knack in good restraint and without the familiar tricks the elder show their children as preliminary to a stage career. The almost intangible touch of sentiment at the finish adds immeasurably by way of contrast to the broader nonsense that has gone before.
This juvenile team did very well, there being laughter a-plenty and liberal applause. Good strong finish. Street in one, 20 minutes.
Composed of ten kiddies ranging in age from 5 to 10 years of age; special settings, camp, flags, etc.; representing a naval spectacle, with songs, recitations, marching, drilling, etc. all of which went over with tremendous applause and curtain after curtain. This is certainly some kid act. 20 min. full stage.
10 clever kidies [sic] in full stage 20 min. Special set. An appeal for enlistments. A wonderful little offering well put on and come clever singing and dancing and poetry. This act will get us some money.
America’s Foremost Juveniles. First time in Cleveland for these bright kids. The boy does most of the work. The audience was greatly pleased with the act and I stopped counting curtain calls after eight. Drop in one—17 min.