Emmet Devoy and Co

In “the Call of Childhood.” 24 minutes f.s. Special set. Mr. Devoy’s new act was a hit. Has a beautiful story, with four child characters, written about the spirit of Halloween, and Mr. Devoy, as “Adam Crabb.” The old grouch, got many laughs. Held the interest every minute, and closed strong. As act that will appeal particularly to women and children. The company is large, all capable and the production thoroughly satisfactory.

Alexander Kids

15 min. With a charge of songs and repeating their dances, these children were a big laughing and applause hit. They are using a third child for a singing number and a Charlie Chaplin bit that was a tremendous hit.

The Heim Children

19 minutes in one. Special drop. For some reason or other, this boy seems to have gone back. Although his line of stuff is about the same, he seems to have lost some of his unctuousness, and while the act went well, it did not begin to bet the hit it was last season.

Christmas Tree

This feature, which is presented every afternoon at the close of the regular performance, proved as popular as ever. The house was packed with youngsters, and they all went on the stage and received a toy from Santa Claus.

“And a Child Shall Lead Them.”

This is the sketch written by Homer Miles on a rush order for the three children—Lambert Dickinson and Viola and Leonie Flugrath, who appeared here last summer with our stock company. The children went on this afternoon after five rehearsals and scored one of the unquestioned hits of the bill—not because they were here last summer but because they had a good vehicle and played it well. Although the sketch was intended merely as a Christmas week extra feature I consider the act good enough to be played anywhere where children can play. The story of the sketch is good, full of bright comedy lines and there is a little touch of heart interest. The fact that it is played almost entirely by children should make it a novelty on any bill. The youngsters are assisted by Miss Virginia Russell, who plays the mother of one the children. Kitchen in 3. Time 16 min.

Gus Edwards’ Kabaret Kids

40 min. Full stage. Splendid act. A lively bunch of youngsters with many god specialties. While not a great act it is certainly a good one and well worth the price. Closed the show fine.

Gus Edwards’ “Kountry Kids.”

24 minutes f.s. with close in one. This act is not nearly so good as it was when we last played it here. There are two “kids” in it that are fairly good, and the others are not. Has neither life nor ginger, but went well in spots.

The Beatties

(11 mins.) Two kids in this act proved an applause riot. They work with their father, who is also a good stopper, but the value of the act lies in the dancing by the children. They do a routine of fast work that equals lots of big acts we have played.

Albert Hole

In 1. Time 9. A young English lad with a truly remarkable soprano voice. His tones are clear as a bell and pleasantly lacking in falsetto so noticeable in the work of many boy sopranos. He was a terrific hit and the only fault is that he only sings three numbers.