Roehm’s Athletic Girls

Fencing, boxing, bag-punching, etc. Good enough act, but not very well received. Some scattered applause, and a fairly good finish. Special in four, 11 minutes. (Toledo)

Three Regals

(9 mins.) This is a very good strength act in a novel setting. Very showy routine of staff, all well done. Made a very good closing number.

Dare Brothers

Athletic Accuracy — Principally hand balancing; 5 min. C.D.F.; went good.

Warren Lincoln Travers

America’s Greatest Strongman– Feats of strength, such as tearing five monthly magazines at once, dumb-bells, piano, etc., 13 min. full; went good.

Wood Bros.

Double fling rings. Went very good. 10 min. full stage.

Wood Brothers

Irish athletes. 11 minutes in one. Very good opening act. Doing some work on the rings that is not startling but gets a good hand. Opened with a song this afternoon but we cut it.

Wood Bros.

10 min. F.S. Two powerful, good looking athletes who do the regulations tricks and some that are quite new. Received good applause for each one of the feats and closed well. These boys have a strong local following.

Four Readings

11 min. F.S. This is a good athletic act, all of them making a pleasing appearance in athletic costume, using a gymnasium act. Their athletic stunts are of the regulation order in ground tumbling, all of them getting good applause. Good close after the pedestal stunt.