Byrne Bros

Athletes. Two men. 8 minutes, full stage. They use a small billiard table, with steps leading to it from each and to do their athletic stunts. Nearly everything they do is new. The cleverest act of the kind ever seen in this house. Went big. Splendid opener.


“The Ninety Found Girl Whom No One Can Lift” – two women and a man on the stage, also carry several “plants.” Resista is carried out in the audience for the people to try and lift her, but no one seemed anxious to try – the matinee was very tame, but at night got several men to go on the stage to try their strength, but all failed to left her from the floor, to the amusement of the audience. 14 min, full stage.

Two Carletons

7 minutes f.s. C.D.F. Two men in a “phlegmatic” athletic act. Tumbling and hand-balancing done in a matter of fact and deliberate manner that makes some difficult tricks appear commonplace. Good opener.

The Four Baseball Players

In “Twenty Minutes in the Club House” – carry their own drops; dressed in Baseball Suits; talking, singing and comedy ball playing. 15 min. full stage. Went big.

Louis Hardt

10 minutes f.s. Special se. “As In A Dream.” First appearance this season in America. Hardt opens as a tipsy swell in a baronnial [sic] hall, with figures in armour standing about. He falls asleep and in a dream the figures come to life with five lackeys in footmen’s liveries, take part numerous feats of strength. One of the best stunts is lifting seven men at once. Hardt also does muscle posing before a plush drapery with light effects. The finish shows him awaking, apparently having performed all of the feats while in a dream. A novelty setting for a strong man act, and made an excellent closer.

Imperial Jiu Jitsu Troupe

1 lady, 6 men, 12 min. Full stage. A truly wonderful exhibition of muscular strength, skill and agility, and their prowess in this fascinating art is almost uncanny. A harder-working troupe has never been seen here, and the act takes rank as being one of the most spectacular, sensational and truly brilliant features that has ever graced the annals of local theatricals.

Roehm’s Athletic Girls

Bag punching, wrestling, boxing and fencing, all indifferently done. Something of a novelty, however to see girls doing this kind of work and the two girls who box and wrestle are rather pretty, so that helps them to get by fairly well. 12 min.

Joe Tinker

(New Manager, Cincinnati Reds) Act is called “Baseball Pictures.” 15 min in one. Tinker talks five minutes on his new field of labor, and then shows about sixty stereoptican views of famous ball players and diamond incidents, each of which he describes. They are very interesting. This is probably the best baseball act ever seen in this house. It holds the attention of the audience to the end. Sunday performances, and went big. This will be his last appearance in vaudeville.

Kremka Brothers

Two men in athletic number. A crackerjack act, and easily the best opener we have had this season. Held undivided attention throughout and took several encores, an unusual proceeding for an opener, here. Palace in 5, 11 minutes.

DeVoie Trio

Three men. A very fine athletic and flying ring number. The work is exceptionally clean in execution. Act held closest attention, making a fine opener. Strong finish. Special in 4-8 minutes. (Buffalo)