
Pictures made of colored sands with fire effects. Could hold a better position on the bill. In one and a half.

Chalk Saunders

9 min. in one. Advance applause. An old favourite here. Amused the audience with drawings of various characters. Received good applause and closed well.

Gallaway, Cartoonist of “Puck”

12 minutes f.s. Gallaway is now using a machine for showing pictures on a sheet. It works rather slowly, and I think I prefer his old act.

Bert Levy

13 min in 3. Well known cartoonist held this spot nicely.


Cartoonist. Has a good line of chatter with his drawing, the act as a whole went good. 11 min in 2.

Krayoma & Co.

Drawing. All of his drawings are on the patriotic, please give me your kind applause order. he gets away with it very nicely, finished very good this afternoon.

Ella Shields

(18 mins.) This woman is a finished artist and while her numbers, like those generally used by English artists or those of that type, lack the snap and punch of the American, her work is one of high class. She was very well received, without registering a pronounced hit.


The Celebrated Versatile Artist. The Originstor of Smoke Painting and the Whistling Act, “The Courtship of a Nightingale.” Smoke painting, whistling, and shadowgraphs. 26 min. full stage; went good.