The Wife’s Revenge

Dogs and Monkeys are employed, and both display intelligence seeming almost human.

Colonel Magnus

Dog circus. Wears evening clothes that have long since outlived their usefulness. This indifference extends to the lauing out of the work.

Barnold’s Circus

Four or five animals in the troupe. A comedy dog resembling an Irish Terrier is the feature. No slips, coaxing or delays. Closes with an imitation of a drunken man. Two monkeys dressed as policemen bundle the drunk into a wagon. The trainer is not seen for this stunt.

Harry Edson

Two dogs. A black and tan does some acrobatics and balances on his front and back legs. “Doc” the pup of uncertain parentage does some stunts of “human intelligence” and has been well trained in comedy tricks.

Howard’s Animals

The speaking pony caused comment. The trainer raises his hand to his vest and puts it down to indicate whether the pony should shake its head or paw the ground. There is a new finish with three dogs riding the horses from a pedestal.

Blake’s Circus

The dogs do some good work but the riding pups really shine. The ponies are wel trained and there is a baboon who rides a cycle. The hit is the bucking donkey.

Pratt’s Comedy Dogs

Three fox terriers and a St.Bernard. The fox terriers are well trained and go through their tricks with no hesitation. A stunt is a fall from a chair ending in a standing position.