Violet MacMillan

She wore a colonial almost-crinoline gown with a poke bonnet. She then changed into a handsome yellow cloak which set off her good looks.
A strong reception greeted her; no doubt many of whom were her friends. However she secured a real applause from the downstairs portion. She did not do as well in the gallery, this was no fault of the gallery nor her act. The trouble was with the singer. She did not play to the upper loft as they have become accustomed to by Vesta Victoria. "Accept it literally that those above are not beneath you."
Her songs are nicely selected, however one more "rag" number would not have harmed her; she could add that for an encore. Her method of rendering a "coon song" is different than others. She does not depend upon blatant voice or suggestiveness of lyrics in "rags"; she has found the real aim of the "coon song." Her "Stingy Kid" number in costume was well done, and the opening selection lively.
Variety 21:9 (02/04/1911)