Vera Gordon

Vera Gordon, the Yiddish actress, appeared in “Lullaby,” the Edgar Allen Woolf tragi-comedy. The sketch divided headline honors with Joseph E. Howard’s revised “Chin Toy.” It took the film “Humoresque” to give Miss Gordon high rank on the spoken stage. Judging from the way she was accepted at the Riverside several weeks ago and both performances Monday she is due for a long stay in vaudeville. Unquestionably the percentage of Jewish patrons will aid Miss Gordon in New York. Her performance in “Lullaby” cannot be denied high praise. She brings a catch to the breath in her serious moments. Her dialect dealing comedy is sure fire, even if natural. But the big laugh of the turn came when she asked the detective whether the man who her son had defrauded out of $230,000 would settle for $200,000. The Palace bunch accorded the act seven or eight curtains.
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 19 November 1920