
"A Night In New York."; "Smarty"; "Aren't You tbe Girl I Met At Sherry's"; Featuring Charles Howard; Ida Emerson; Jennie Austin; Clara Austin; Howard Lichter; John B. Wilson; James H. Lichter; Corinne La Monde; Sam Brown; Powder and Capmann, novelty dancers;
It is a relief to be able to sit through a burlesque show In this hot weather and forget about the high temperature, as occurred last Sunday when the sweltering audience cheered and Insisted on encores.
There is much beauty, refinement, grace and scintillating atmosphere about the show. The humor is served legitimately and in an unassuming but effective manner, without resorting at any time to clowning or uncouth low comedy methods. The musical comedy has a comprehensive story, Interrupted only by really exquisite numbers. There is not one ungainly character in the piece and Its blithe and wholesome humor bubbles sparklingly and opportunely. Nothing more inspiring than tbe "Smarty" song as Interpreted by tbe Austin girls has been seen In burlesque.
Variety 11:13 (09/05/1908)