May Ward

The act was twenty-three minutes long. May Ward sings several popular songs. She also has a “plant” in the audience who whistles with her on one number and dances with her during the waltz number.
"I'm the Lonesomest GIrl in Town"; "When I Get You Alone To-night"; "Mellow Melody"; "Won't You Waltz With Me?"
Of the approximately 2,200 person crowd in the theatre, only about two hundred were not children. May Ward was so popular with the children that they sang along to every song with her. "For popularity nothing like the reception given Miss Ward has ever been witnessed."
"She has a routine of popular songs bound to carry her over, she looks good upon the stage, and judging by the greatest crowd of kids probably ever gathered in one theatre, May Ward is a bigger matinee attraction than Barnum and Bailey's circus."
Variety 28:2 (13/09/1912)