Harry Beresford and Co.

This is Harry Beresford's initial vaudeville dip. The clever character comedian is better known in the west, where he has played with his own show.
"In Old New York" is written by Thomas Barry. The action takes place in the back yards of two old houses on the east side. Hattie Carmontelle plays Mrs. McGovern, a militant widow with a double barrelled tongue who lives in one of the houses. Next door lives Matt Brady, played by Mr. Beresford, a man of sunny disposition, who is a sign painter. He has saved up $100 and bought a wedding ring with the intention of marrying the widow. Matt Brady, played by Rob Lothian, returns from a visit to Sing Sing, where he went through carrying concealed weapons. He has an undying emnity of widow, probably because he and Mrs. McGovern's niece, Mary (Salita Salamo), have been sweethearts. Matt learned a trade while away, and Mary has agreed to run off and marry him. Mr. Copp assists with their plan, giving them his bankroll and wedding ring.
The act took five curtains to rousing applause.
There are many bright lines and laughs. The easy, quick action was unusual for a new offering. The character portrayals were excellent, Beresford ably leading his company.
Variety 24:4 (09/30/1911)