Hal Davis and Co.

During the action the telephone rings. Someone back stage was not paying attention, for as the bell tingles the drop was lowered just when the important issue involved in the piece was to be decided. This killed whatever chance the sketch had.
A loving wife is grieving because her political husband is not at home more with her and the children. The husband is in line for a state senatorship. The does not understand why the senatorship is beating the family out. She proceeds to show the husband the error of his ways. The method used is hardly understandable. The wife gains little sympathy and the husband does not seem to possess senatorial possibilities.
There is nothing in the sketch to recommend it. There is no action in the sketch whatsoever. Davis is neither here nor there, though the girl plays very well. The sketch will not do; there is little dramatics and no comedy. It is a twenty minute sermon with no moral.
Variety 24:7 (10/21/1911)