Carolo Trio.

16 Mins. One. Russel Hurd is at the piano and Billy Tilden and Bob Fisher (Fisher, Lucky and Gordon) are the singing end. The boys are still wearing “gob” uniforms. Tilden handles the comedy efforts. With “Marie” he does a red-hatted dame and gets a lot out of the character. There are frequent references to days in the service sprinkled throughout |the offering. Tilden ad libs cleverly and gets laughs any time he goes after them. Fisher has a splendid singing voice and solos “Million Miles from Nowhere” in pleasing fashion. Hurd is a good pianist and has a solo of popular airs that was applauded. The finish is a double “Hambone,” an ancient limerick theme but increased in applause value by Tilden’s comedy efforts. These boys with new material look like a big time combination. The war thing is passe and they are probably only finishing out the season in the navy blue.
Variety LVIII: 6 April 1920