The act was sixteen minutes long on the full stage.
Vanderbilt and Smith sing and dance in evening clothes. Vanderbilt wears a nice sleeveless gown (one of three). The pair sing solos and duets and usually begin dancing on the second chorus of each song.
Harry Puck and Mabelle Lewis sing and dance. They do a dancing finale.
This piano act was fifteen minutes long.
Two singers (Billy Devere and Arthur Herman) and a blind pianist (Arthur Stone) do straight and rag numbers. One of the men sings a good “souse” solo. The pianist does a straight solo on the piano.
W.C. Fields has returned from abroad with some new juggling tricks which got several laughs.
The act was twelve minutes long.
Two good looking girls play the piano and the violin. The pianist begins with a medley of popular song choruses and the violinist has some solos. The pianist then does some more rag numbers.
This horse-riding act was twelve minutes long on the full stage.
The act is identical to that of Cliff Berzac, complete with trained ponies, an unrideable mule, and a revolving table.
The act was eight minutes long.
Loretta Flynn does some “coon shouting” and sings three songs. She also does an eccentric dance.
The act was fourteen minutes long.
Vardaman is a man who does female impersonations. He wears a corset, two evening gowns, and one bathing suit. He performs three exclusive songs.
Two young men play songs on banjos.
This sketch entitled “A Woman of the Streets” was sixteen minutes long. The sketch was adapted by Fred F. Schrader.
A French woman (Nellie Elting) and her lover are brought before a magistrate (O’Rourke). She has had a distrust for the law ever since her mother was betrayed by an official and she herself was forced to live on the street. She wears her mother’s engagement ring on her finger. It is revealed that the magistrate is actually her estranged father, who offers to buy the ring in exchange for her silence. She refuses and a violent scuffle ensues in which the magistrate rips the ring from her finger. She leaves in a rage. He then kisses the ring and dismisses the case against her and her lover.