15 minutes, olio in one. German monologue – eccentric singing and dancing. This man seems very anxious to please and works very harf [sic]. While the act is not bad, I could not recommend it to go very far down in the bill. If he were getting about $75.00 less I think he would do for about 8:15 or 8:30 on any bill I was compelled to cut considerable [sic] out of his act.
Assisted by the Sharp Brothers gave us a blackface singing and dancing of great merit. Leonard has an excellent voice for blackface and is a graceful danger while the Sharp brothers more than make good their wooden shoe dance. The act is well mounted and as a whole could hardly by improved upon. 13 min, FS, 3 in one.
Two women, eccentric comediennes. I can’t understand why a great amount of fault was found with this act in our Western houses. The act is not a sensation, but the women have lots of personality, sing well – the class of music they attempt – and one of them is really funny. Got some little applause on their songs and the comedy got as much laughter as we should expect from an act of that kind, at that price. It is barley possible that they are being paid $35.00 too much, but an act that can open and close in one, has its value and probably we are expected to pay a little more for acts of that kind. It should not be placed on the bill later than 8 o’clock in the continuous houses and about number two in the two a day houses. 18 min. 3 shows.
Colored singers, dancers, etc. The little girl, of the three failed to appear. Mitchell said that her mother took her away from him last night, and they went on this afternoon as a ‘duo’ instead of a ‘trio.’ The act is materially weakened by the absence of the little girl. To-night he is going to put on his own little child (5 years old). Will send a report on it later. 13 min. in 1, 3 shows.
2 women and a man, in a sketch entitled ‘Mlle Ricci.’ The ‘company’ is very bad. The sketch could almost be considered a fall-down. It received very little applause at the close, and was apparently not as well liked as any one of the acts that preceded it. CDF 3. 17 min.
They offer a little sketch, which serves to introduce some singing and dancing. Mrs. Annie Yeamans received an ovation on her entrance. She seems to be well known here, and it was three or four minutes before the act could continue. However, I think that the audience tired of the act after a few minutes. On their close in one where in one where Mrs. Yeamans introduces her song and dance of 30 years ago, she received a great deal of applause. Good act. CDF 3, close in one, 17 min.
2 shows, 13 min. in 1. Two men and a woman, in a comedy talking and singing sketch. They showed considerable greenness or tone of the burlesque house, and did not strike the audience very hard in this spot today. They are not bad, but we had them in a little too late. Will move them up for the night show.
2 shows, 13 min, full stage. Musical clown playing in accordions, etc. The work he does himself does not amount to very much, but the dog he carries with him made a big impression with our audience, which justifies holding the act in this spot. It is especially timely for us as this is vacation week here.
Some parts of this act is on the roughhouse order, not appropriate for the Keith house. The extra man is of no value. They could secure just as many laughs and have a better act without the man. Woman has improved greatly – has a better idea of comedy. The singing went very strong. Genaro’s dancing made quite a hit. The encore in one was greatly appreciated. 22 min, full stage close in one about 3 min.
Singing comedienne. This woman is May Curtis formerly of Curtis & May. Makes a very nice appearance. Sings a few songs. Gives imitation of Ethel Levey, which was done fairly good. Closed with ‘Have you found my ‘Enery Brown’ with a man singing with her from the box. Man is quite a good vocalist and really secured more applause than the woman, especially his verse in German. Presume she could make good over the circuit, even if she does not carry the man. Act is alright for about second on the bill. 16 min. in one, 3 shows.