Claire and Atwood

Claire and Atwood opened with acrobatics and clowning using for a finish a swing by the man ontop a set house. This is along the lines of the balance done by Bert Melrose and as done by the man in the Claire and Atwood combination, furnishes a bunch of thrills.

Davis and Pelle

Davis and Pelle held about half the house in with a flashy routine of lifts, hand-to-hand and acrobatics. The men make a neat appearance in tights and athletic shirts, the understander showing a remarkable physique that is upheld by the strength of his one arm elevations of the top mounter. It’s a dandy turn for either end of the bill.  

The Al Golen Troupe

The Al Golen {Al Galem?} Troupe, now cut down to five people, two men, two women and a midget, have some very entertaining perch and acrobatic stunts. They still exhibit a parade of tapestry and carpets and at this house receive a hand on the beautiful display. Here is an act that at one time took all honors for a pretentious acrobatic novelty, but have not advanced with the times and at present only a good small time feature.

Al Galem

Al Galem and his Oriental troupe of a whirlwind workers closed and did it with a whizz. The kid in the troupe, who is tossed and risleyed and lifted and spun about like a tennis ball, is a delight to the family trade. Strong work, tumbling spectacular upright pole and heavy lifting, together with flash in appearance and speed in routine, make this a closer strong enough for any program.

Dainty Marie

Dainty Marie, her first reappearance at this house where she met with a serious accident, came back with as much nerve and as good “from” as ever. Her act runs with more speed than when here, due to a different routine.

Three Orpington’s

9 Mins.; Full Stage. Two men and a woman, the latter exceptionally attractive through neat dressing, offering a routine of fine work with the usual featured semi-sensational finale, in this instance being a leap and pull to a hand-stand, the Orpington’s using but one hand in the experiment instead of two. The understander is very capable in this work. Closing the Alhambra bill, they finished to a filled house with any noticeable deseetations and in these days of late shows, this is quote an accomplishment. They can go the route anywhere at either end of the bill and satisfy.

La France Brothers

La France Brothers suffered a stage wait on opening, hurtful always to a closing turn. But the first flash at their dizzy production, all lighted up and worth waiting for, made a lot sit down who had stood up. The head balancing and equilibristic feats throughout were mastery and the showmanship noteworthy. Splendid closer.

Thames Brothers

Thames Brothers, two-man acrobatic team closed proceedings with a series of feats, simply delivered without any parade but which went for all they were worth. The closing risley variation trick in which the telescoped {rods?} are alternately elevated by the topmounter by means of graduation in the device is effective and worth protecting.    

Sonia and Co .

Sonia and Co. two men and a pretty girl, opened with body lifts and “risely” stunts, and left a good impression.    

Gypsy Meredith and Co.

Gypsy Meredith and Co. followed, assisted by a man. A special drop is used, showing a running track. From the moment this team made its appearance it was one continuous round of laughter. Miss Meredith as the school kiddie and the man, a track runner, exchanged some bright chatter before going into their strong hand to hand balancing. Their talk is fresh and witty and their strong arm work very entertaining. As the act stands at present, this pair can held the number two position in any bill.