6 min., f.s.. Two men and one woman in a clever routine of hand balancing in which the lady takes a prominent part. Opened well.
9 min. A very handsomely staged acrobatic turn and the quartet does a routine of showy hand-to-hand tricks. Gave the show a very good closing number.
6 min. A very good hand-to-hand balancing act by two men. Show a lot of new tricks, splendidly handled and made a good opener.
9 min. f.s., These two men open with mandolins and go into a routine of foot juggling which is fast and unique. Opened well.
6 min. The same act they have been doing for several seasons. The routine of ring tricks is well handled and the act furnished an excellent opener.
9 min. Two girls in an acrobatic routine. They work in an odd setting and wear unique costumes and do a lot of tricks. Did very well in the opening act.
The Three Melfords opened with a fast ground tumbling and risley turn. The three men use clown makeup, and the comedy is of the usual cut-and-dried Continental sort. The acrobatics, however, are clean cut and a couple of thrillers stand out.
[Friend and Downing] were billed just right, for next to closing in second half, and were followed in the last position by Hori and Nogami, Jap equilibrists, who held their audience. It is an act hardly over eight minutes in length, but each minute is well taken up, and the stunt of one of the natives balancing himself on a reversed bicycle balanced on a steel pole and resting in the lap of the other gave them deserved applause.
The Jordan Girls (New Acts) opened the bill with a really delightful wire act. Both of the girls look pretty, work fast and have some exceedingly spectacular tricks. They earned applause with the various bits through the entire act, and at the finish scored three bows, which were deserved.
6 min. Man and woman on trampoline mat with a fairly good routine of tricks. A good opener.