Willard Simms and Edith Conrad

In “Things I Have Seen on the Stage”. This act opens in one, goes to interior in three, and closes in one. Simms is giving us about the same line of work that he has always done in Yaudeville – Imitations of chorous girls, the matinee idol, prima donna sopranos etc. The audience today did not seem to quite understand him at the start and his first song, “Burlesquing the Matinee Idol” following Hartford’s act seemed to be a direct “crack” at Hartford. The audience soon realized that this was not intentional and that it was part of Simms regular act in imitating all classes of artists. A good act but a little suggestive in spots. 20 min.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 30 April 1906 – 4 February 1907