Three St. Felix Sisters

GYH 2. These are the original St. Felix girls who were so long features of Tony Pastor’s traveling shows. They have been in foreign countries for several years and this is their first attempt in vaudeville in a long time. They are very small, and two of them make up as boys and the other one as an old Irish woman. While their voices are not especially good, they have a way of singing which is peculiar to themselves and they do a little dancing at the finish. I think that after their newness wears off and they get back into vaudeville harness again it will be a good act. At all events, I know there are enough old time variety theatre patrons in town who will come to see them this week to more than pay their salary. They went all right this afternoon and I think will go a good deal stronger tonight. 16 minutes in one.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 14 March-21 November 1904