“Those Entertaining Girls”

The girls dress daintily, securing attention by their looks alone.
As a female "rathskeller act," the girls are "trying out" this week and they have an excellent chance at success. They perform a couple of trio numbers and three solos with voice and piano. They are the first "rathskeller act" by the other sex, because of this they are more likely to succeed regardless of their ability.
An eager encore demanded Tuesday evening was not responded to, nor would the young women acknowledge the applause, for some unknown reason.
The solos make each woman a "single," the very thing that should have been avoided for team work is what counts in a "rathskeller act". If they were capable of performing alone then they could have. The songs should be selected purely with the trio in view, and nothing "straight" unless it has a lively air. Neither the second song nor "Heaven Held the Working Girl" solos fit in the act. The girl who played last seemed to be a "crackerjack" at the keys; more songs should be performed to display her fine piano work.
Variety 21:10 (02/11/1911)