The Turn of the Tide

some piano playing and singing
It tells the tale of a burglar seeking a haven of refuge to be confronted by the man of the house, who is a cool, blase fellow, in love with a girl. The girl insists that he “do something,” so her reforms the burglar after saving the thief from the police. The story doesn't furnish any information whether the girls considers that sufficient. It is a quiet ending, with the man in deep thought, and lights down. The young woman in the case does not appear, although a policeman does.
The Hammerstein audience liked the act mildly.
It is not suited to that atmosphere, and would be more appreciated in theatres having the family trade. Mr. Fitzpatrick wrote the sketch, and has a hard style of delivery. Mr. Madden gains more applause through playing the piano than by his characterization of a “crook.” He is slangy and tough looking, but not forceful.
Variety 5:4 (05/25/1907)