Rae Samuels

Miss Samuels, next to closing, stepped into something. But she waded right oat and landed with both feet solidly on the shores of hit land. Miss Samuels credits her gowns to a costumer in Kansas City. They look like Chicago, or at least New York — exquisite.She got her complexion out on the Orpheum Circuit, somewhere, too, and it brings her back home looking eighteen and acting as she looks. Blue Streak is right. Rae was never as vivacious before, never had a more inspired routine of songs to show her versatility at its highest peaks, never seemed more care free and merry. Most of her songs were her own. Others had been heard here before. The finest bit of work she did was with "Heart-breaking Baby Doll," which had been tried by a score of predecessors on Chicago boards. Rae followed them all and the fates be kind to anyone who follows her at the Majestic with it hereafter. A rube song, which style of delivery is as. much her own as the Irish ditty runs alone for Emma Carus, brought on an encore for a Yiddish comedy confection. The house wanted more and got a speech, a sincere talk straight from Rae Samuels' soft heart, touched sincerely by the ovation.
Variety, 54:12 (05/16/1919)