Morgan, Bailey and Morgan

This piano-act was fifteen minutes long. Jimmy Morgan (formerly of Morgan and Chester and then a “single”), his wife, and Mr. Bailey are a musical trio. Morgan plays the piano and Bailey plays the banjo. Mrs. Morgan opens with “Circus day” accompanied by Morgan and Bailey. The two then do an instrumental duet. Mrs. Morgan sings two more songs and begins the encore. The men play their instruments alone for the finish.
"Circus Day"; "Ragging the Baby to Sleep"; "Society Bear"; "My Sumurun Girl"
Mrs. Morgan dresses well but she has too many solos. Her part in the encore could be left out completely. Bailey plays the banjo with incredible skill and Morgan has a winning smile and personality. Morgan and Bailey should update their instrumental pieces to include the latest rags. The trio will succeed on any bill.
Variety 28:8 (25/10/1912)