Mlle. Joly Violetta

The offering consists of a series of parodies of European stars and her unique dances, in which she is assisted by Sr. Arnaud.
Mile. Joly Violetta is famous in all capitals of Europe and South America, whence she imported the famous dances which have contributed to her great reputation. She made her artistic debut at the age of 8 in the opera, Paris, and since then has succeeded in making herself considered the first of all European stars, as much for her originality as for the fine quality of her productions. Mile. Violetta had several times the honor of appearing before sovereigns and notably before his majesty, the late Don Carlos I, of Portugal, and his royal family, and again recently before his Majesty Nicholas II, of Russia, and the imperial family, on the occasion of the marriage of his Royal Highness William G'uillaume de Sude
Variety 13:4(01/02/1909)