10 min. F.S. Spec. A good fast dancing act with a very pretty setting. Opened nicely.
12 min. in 1. These boys are good dancers and have some fine original steps. Went good.
9 min. These boys got very little with their burlesque opening but finished strong with a few minutes of very good eccentric dancing.
11 min., f.s., spl. This well known dancing act have added a very pretty “eyke” to their stage setting and have a routine of bright dances. Went well.
10 min., f.s. spcl. This man does a routine of ballet dances in female costume. Keeps the audience guessing until he removes wig at finish. Opened well.
8 min. in 1. Boy and girl doing a routine of eccentric dances. Boy is exceptionally clever. Went well.
20 min. in 1 and f.s.. Miss Friganza assisted by Ten Eyck and Weilly got going after a poor start and the burlesque dance at the finish took them off to a good hand.
12 min. f.s., spl. Man and woman in a very good dancing specialty. The lady opens the act, posing, showing a remarkable development of the arms and shoulders. They then do a routine of dances. Opened well.
17 min., f.s., spl. A very pretty act with the man is an exceptional dancer, but it runs too long for closing show. Went well considering.
11 min. in 1. These boys are very “nifty” dances and did well in this position.