Miss Hoffman

The changes made on the stage keeps it busy. The padded “Gibson Girl” dress was a comedy hit all alone.
On Tuesday evening, an extraordinarily warm night for this season of the year, Miss Hoffman did an encore after her Eddie Foy, which had evoked sufficient enthusiasm to allow her to retire with great credit, and the en- core was a dance, with a "company" of seven or eight grouped around. This laborious work was done after Miss Hoffman had made several changes, wearing enough in themselves.
The audience seemed to appreciate the extra entertainment.
It must be a great source of satisfaction to managers paying foreign acts something for nothing to know there are Americans who are not overvalued on the contracts. Miss Hoffman's whole repertoire was much liked and applauded, helped on to the successful end by her husband's (Max Hoffman) energetic conducting of the orchestra.
Variety 9:3 (09/21/1907)