
“Models in Marble.” Living statuary, 12 min. Full stage, spec. set. A beautiful and imposing spectacle, these reproductions of priceless art which the chisels of the masters have bequeathed to posterity, and which have given them Fame while they sleep. And yet the offering received little in the way of applause. A trifle too elevated perhaps, for many. After running two or three looms all day, or taking care of three or four spinning frames, many of them could not be expected to manifest any great degree of interest in the classic lore of ancient are. Some of them are still wondering as to who Prosersine and Celetes might have been. Many of us undoubtedly somewhat ‘rusty’ in our Mythology, the beautiful legendary lore of ancient Greece, the figures of which have been as immortally perpetuated by the masters of the old, old school. But it is all a bit too ‘high’ for Woonsocket.
University of Iowa, Keith Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 4 July 1915 – 13 November 1916