Lang’s Gotham Four

Three members of the quartet wear comedy make-ups.
The singing was better taken care of, though this also was a good way below the mark set by the average. The trouble seems to be that the men have struck upon nothing that is new in either the comedy or the singing. In fact, the singing follows the old-time quartets with their "yoddle" songs and banjo strumming, which is not considered quite up to date at the present time.
When they came on the audience settled back for a good laugh, for the audiences in houses of this order like and are used to laughing at comedy quartets. They were doomed to disappointment, however, as the comedy extended no further than the make-ups
An entire change will have to be made if the Four expect to compete, with any degree of success, against others in this line.
Variety 10:1 (10/05/1907)