Jack Osterman

The star of the vaudeville was a youth in point of age and professional existence—Jack Osterman. Jack is the son of the queenly Kathryn, which gives him a start. He gets off flying, entering with assurance and flexible presence that at once makes the audience at home. Then he sings flip lyrics and tells fly anecdotes, sits on the footlight gutter, joshes the customers, has a good time and shares it generously with the gang. As nifty a dresser as Carter De Haven, as jocund a Jester as Eddie Cantor, the lad slides a graceful hit across. He Bang one ballad, a mistake, breaking his act midships and making him start all over again. Ballads are not for Jack, though he could sing light love songs with charm and fitting delivery. Restraint, non-chalance, wit, fleetly running patter — these are his tools. If he keeps them polished and sticks to them there is no telling how high he can climb in comedy work. The big time is paging him right now.
Variety, 54:10 (05/02/1919)