Hazel Kirke and Co.

Kirke is assisted by a boy who does some dancing.
Singing and piano playing. The boy also sings. Some comedy.
"If the Morning After Was the Night Before."
Hazel Kirke is a pretty little strawberry blonde who affects the style of one of Nell Brinkley's "Betties" and in some way reminds one of Mae Murray years ago. The opening song is something about Betty and Her Boy which just about passes, the duo having trouble getting the lyric over. The boy next offers "If the Morning After Was the Night Before" and gets a laugh. There are several other double numbers and a bit of dancing at the close, also the introduction of several old favorites, the singing of which gives legitimate opportunity to introduce impersonations of those who originally sang the numbers. The act will do for an early spot on big bills.
Variety, 37:12 (02/20/1915)