Gertrude Barnes

The act was twenty minutes long. Barnes enters from the center of a plush curtain and opens with a kid song. She follows it with another song and a talking number. She then sings “I Left My Old Kentucky Home for You”, which showcases her dramatic ability, which is rare for a signing comedienne. She makes the standard “Row, Row, Row” entertaining by sitting in a rowboat with a dummy and doing a bit of travesty.
"Molly Took the Next Train Back to Hackensack"; "You Never Can Tell from the Left Eye what the Right Eye is Going to Do"; "I Left My Old Kentucky Home for You"; "Row, Row, Row"
She received "a riot of appreciative applause".
She has improved significantly since her turn on the circuit last spring. "Gertrude Barnes has arrived. Her progress from now on is not a matter of conjecture: it's a certainty."
Variety 29:2 (13/12/1912)