Their finish had the boys in their best looking costumes ever. The Mexican outfits of light blue looked extremely well. The girls wore light blue soubret dresses also built around the Mexican theme. No prettier costumes have ever been worn by the Fords or any other dance troupe.
The four dancers have a brand new style of presentation with their most elaborate offering to date. They have discarded the Grecian dance performed by the two sisters; it has been considered a long way out of their line. Instead, the girls perform the "Spring Song" dance set in a beautiful forest scene. It breaks up the hardshoe work, adding variety. They open with a pretty winter scene in which all four are costumed in English Colonial style. The boys have scraped their sailor dance in favor of a "souse" arrangement. Working in "one," the drop shows "Boozeville" and the whole thing is topsy-turvy.
The applause was big, big enough probably to warrant the encore, but it was foolhardy to attempt anything after the Mexican arrangement, and the act should end there, regardless of applause.
Variety 22:3 (03/25/1911)