Dora Pelletier

Songs and imitations of Geo. M. Cohan, Chevalier, French Café Chantant singer, etc. Comes on the stage in boy’s costume, which she changes to that of a Parisienne. Songs were rather hackneyed, but they went well, each one was quite well applauded. The closing one, an imitation of Elfie Fay, received fair applause, but no recalls. Miss Pelletier was booked with us for the three a day section, as we supposed, class on the bill. She is in the three a day class by rights (as she was the last time she was here) as her work is no stronger than it was then. 17 mins, Drap. In 1.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 4 September 1905-23 April 1906