Alexandroff Troupe

Three boys, five girls and a man, the head of the act, compose the Alexandroff Troupe of Russian Dancers, appearing for the first time in this country last Saturday night at the opening of the New York Theatre as a vaudeville house. Speed seems to be the maxim of the act. It is action continually, and at the first performance the man scolded when the orchestra did not play fast enough. No better dancing has been shown by any foreigners in this line. They give most attention to moving around the stage while in a sitting posture. The costuming is pretty and expensive. The girls, strange to say, are all pretty, and it is the liveliest dancing act in vaudeville today.
Of the four numbers appearing from the other side which were on the bill, the Alexandroff Troupe scored the biggest hit. They were placed to close the show at the second performance as a reward
Variety 8:5 (08/31/1907)