Tricks done by some of the dogs. Zertho appears in clownface. The setting is a “Dog Villa.”
Zertho not only has evolved a new idea in bringing his dogs into view, but has them doing some little stunts - quite simle, to be true - that make the turn more than passably interesting and entertaining. A setting labeled Dog Villa is shown, and Zerthro is in bed, in clownface, being awakened by a clanging alarm which he breaks to stop its clatter. As he leaps from the bed and lifts the cover, dogs of all sizes and hues sprin noisily forth. A woman assists in keeping the dogs on the stage. At least 20 dogs take part. Making most of the dogs play dead, at the same time showing what intelligence several of the canine performers have in public, makes Zertho's stand in a class by itself. Not that other dogs cannot play dead or do some wonderful things, but its the different breeds that Zertho works with simultaneously, each mastered so effectively that the answer is certain. A crook of the elbow, a snap of a whip or a certain, grotesque movement may mean a signal which the dogs respond to quickly. Zertho's dogs will make good anywhere. A Coronation march by twenty dogs, with several finding their own places was the closer.
Variety, 38:11 (05/14/1915)