Lady Sen Mei

Seated in rickshaw, two evening gowns.
Singing and animal imitations.
"Barnyard Cabaret."
She is an Americanized young woman with only her ancestral features letting it be known she is of another race. The opening number is sung with the young woman seated in a rickshaw. She also alights, and begins her real singing in "one" before a blue velvet drop. The first number is a ballad, well rendered. Sen Mei doing some imitations of animals that would rival that done by the best of imitators who make the sort of work their ambition in life. A number of choruses from popular songs closes up the routine. As for dressing there are few singles on any time who can beat this little woman from across the water. Lady Sen Mei is a novelty that has real class.
Variety, 38:3 (03/19/1915)