Peter S. Clark

"Runaway Girls" Featuring Jack Reid, Frank Wakefield, and Ella Reid Gilbert. The program gives Thos. T. Bailey credit for books, lyrics and music. Ed Manny as a Dutchman and Al Pinard as the "town rounder" and "ward polisher," both put their parts over satisfactorily. The National Quartet offered a specialty near the close of the first part that found favor. Perry and Elliott opened the olio and made a good Impression. Ed Blondeli and Co. added attraction.
One thing can be said for "The Runaways," It has the best collection of numbers heard at the Star and Garter this season, and whoever staged them fairly knew his business. It also may be classed as one of the best singing organisations on the Wheels.
Variety 16:13 (12/04/1909)