
Some showman this chap. Some balancer. Some nifty little turn. Some corking feats. Has prodigious strength in his arms. Does all his balancing of his body, with lower half upright as he swings first from one half-arm balance to a half-arm balance of the other or to full length of the arms. Has the stage accessories of wicker furniture type which also helps. Uses chairs, table, pedestals and blocks; that blockbuilding balancing stunt with first one hand and the other was very well worked up. His arms seem to be made of rubber one minute and steel the next. Handles himself like a contortionist, but eschews the bender's routine aside from one chair and floor trick. Walks on with cane and silk topper. Removes coat and when finished dons it, places hat on head and taking cane, saunters off. Rikoha is big time stuff right now and while others may equalize his strength in arm balancing, it's the way Rikoha does it and the layout of his routine that turns the trick. He puts it over in Al shape.
Variety, 54:3 (03/14/1919)