Parmet and Russell’s “Singing Travelers”

The harmony was false and grating in the first number. The tenor was apparently responsible for this.
The opening shows an airship inventor studying a model of his balloon. He falls asleep, and the scene i« suddenly shifted to the clouds, where the quartet is riding in the car of an airship. The stage is draped on three sides with white, and upon this surface a moving picture machine throws a fair representation of drifting clouds. There is a little comedy talk, a la Fields and Wooley, varied from time to time by a moving picture or a colored scene thrown on the screen. A cathedral in Rome is shown, and this is the music cue for "The Rosary." The capitol at Washington is the signal for a patriotic medley. The closing shows the professor back in his study, where the other members of the quartet enter to awaken him.
With better pictures, moving pictures, if possible, a better line of talk and smoothness of running that experience will give, the number should go nicely.
Variety 10:2 (10/12/1907)