Amy Ricard, Lester Lonergan

And a Young Man in a small part presented in a very pretty legitimate Irish comedy, “An Idyll of Erin”. The atmosphere and general tenor of this act is strictly legitimate. The piece secured the attention of the audience though, and notwithstanding the offering being quiet in style I believe it proved of thorough interest to the entire audience. The work of Miss Richard, Mr Lonergan and the young man refereed to heretofore, was very good and I could see nothing lacking in any way. The act finished very good and was apparently well liked. It is away from the conventional sketch, being provided with a very pretty special exterior set, and impressed me as a work upon which time and intelligence have been bestowed. I believe this act well worth while on any bill. Special set in 3, 20 minutes.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 25 October 1909-30 May 1910