Amers’ band

45 min, full stage. One of the best bands that I have ever heard, in fact, I think today that most musical critics would say that as a concert organization it is the equal of any we have ever had in this country. Mr. Amers, however, is not a showman like Sousa nor a freak like Creatore. He has a very pleasing personality but lacks the magnetism of the American March King and the fire and dash of the Italian. He does not understand the American idea of quick action, and I have had to impress on him the fact that an American vaudeville audience will not permit him to step off his stand, walk to the wings and back again, before picking up an encore. He is inclined to make his programs a little above the popular taste. What Amers needs is a bright, energetic American manager, one whom he could and would trust.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 30 April 1906 – 4 February 1907