
Frisco was delegated to close the bill, a rather difficult feat for a dancing turn, but the "jazzist" from Chicago, in his hasty ramble from oblivion to fame, has created such interest that not a single auditor left the cushions until his final bow. With Loretta McDermott, his initial partner in this line of work, he has comedy dancing well arranged and cleverly done.. And while many may not be aware of it, he has surrounded his efforts with one of the first and best Jazz orchestras in the country in Bert Kelly's crew, formerly of the College Inn, Chicago. But allowing for the comedy derived, his final bow should not include the fall of Miss McDermott. It's unnecessary, gets nothing, and is merely a repeater of a former "bit." Frisco deserves much credit for his progressiveness, originality and talent. At the Palace he walked off with one of the biggest hits of the show.
Variety, 53:10 (01/31/1919)