Eva Tanguay

She has a pretty new dress for the first selection, and a peculiar waist effect, worn with the white tights, for the finale.
The audience take to her probably for the reasons told in the first song, “I Don't Care,” It is an elegant piece of descriptive writing. The last lines are: “My voice may be funny, But it's getting me the money, So I – don't – care.”
There is no one who approaches Miss Tanguay in her preseent line of work. She grows upon you. In the houses where she will repeat, Miss Tanguay will prove a drawing card of considerable dimensions. However, it is Miss Tanguay's personality and mannerisms whic attract equally with her wild voice, and had she given the act at the first show when playing Hammerstein's that the Fifty-eighth Street theatre is seeing this week, her stock would have uplifted itself considerably.
Variety 6:3 (06/15/1907)