California Orange Pickers

Box making competition, orange packing competition.
Lecture on California orange industry.
In the closing spot at the Bushwick, the act held the house in satisfactorily.
In all probability the most novel turn in vaudeville for some time. The act is composed of three young women and two men. One of the girls does the talking; brief lecture on the orange industry in California, using at the start a moving picture. The two others girls are the champion orange packers, and the two men the champion orange box makers. After the introductory, the girls compete in filling a box with oranges, wrapping each one in paper. They go at exceptional speed in doing this. The boys then make boxes in competition. The winning boy and girl are then matched against each other, the man making three boxes while the young woman fills one. This ends in a draw. The young woman lecturer has secured some interesting data on the orange subject, which is aided by the picture. In the spiel it is said the girls make in the neighborhood of $30 a week and the men up to $50 in this business of packing and box making. With steady work t that wage it must have been hard to give it up for the uncertainty of vaudeville, but the glamour of the stage, maybe.
Variety, 40:2 (09/10/1915)