The Watson Sisters

Costume changes.
"Soothing Symphony," "Back Home in Tennessee," and "Kentucky Home."
The Watson Sisters are doing a nice "sister" singing turn, barring poor judgement in their closing number. It's a song done to death the same way the girls are doing it, so they could not have looked for more than the Bushwick people gave it. If used at all it should not be further on than the second song, although the Watsons put over the number quite effectively. They do well with all their team work, much better than in the solos. One Fannie handles, giving Kitty a chance to change. Kitty then starts "Soothing Symphony" in which Fanny, also now changed as well, gets in for the first chorus. They did that new song well and did as much with "Back Home in Tennessee," a rag by the way that will give "Kentucky Home" a close race if not beating it. They have a "husband" song, a sort of comic that opened well for them. With a better closing number the Watson Sisters will be right in line. This is a return date for them at the Bushwick, with but a short time intervening.
Variety, 40:1 (09/03/1915)