Grace De Mar

(21 mins.) Did very well with a series of impersonations. She has a line of very bright material and handles it cleverly. Plenty of good clean comedy. Got a lot of laughs and finished to a big hand.

Ford Sisters

(22 mins.) Still a very flashy act and makes a big show with their own orchestra. Girls make several changes of costume and their dancing has plenty of variety. Were a big hit, closing strong.

Ed. Morton

(14 mins.) Being a Philadelphian he was given a warm welcome and got over well with a series of songs. He has a lot of good songs, most of them comedy. Closed strong.


(22 mins.) This act proved a real mystery due to the fact that her assistant in the audience speaks no word to her. They do a clever routine of mind-reading stuff and got very good returns with all of it. Closed to a good hand. Her first showing after arriving from abroad.

Lowry & Prince

(14 mins.) The dancing of the man is the best part of the act and got over in very good shape. Comedy did not do so well. Finished to only a fair hand.

Mlle. La Toys Models

(9 mins.) A very good novelty. The posing of the dogs is remarkable and the act did very well in the opening spot.

Exposition Jubilee Four

“A SOUTHERN Breese of Mirth and Medley”. Four men, all dressed different – in colors. This act went over big. They have a way about their singing that no one can imitate. These Colored acts generally go good here. 10 min in one.

Lang & Long

Comedy Skit entitled “The Tale of a Coat”; man and woman; in comedy talking sketch; special drop; 12 min.; went good.

Jason & Harrigan

Two girls – Piano and Songs. Sing as solos and as a duo; one plays the piano. They appeared in street clothes this afternoon – trunk had not arrived. 12 min. in one; went good.